


   姓   名:杨鹏

学   位:博士




占据人类基因组40%序列的逆转座子在过去很长时间内一直被认为是基因组中的“垃圾序列”(Junk DNA)。最近的研究发现,这些来源于逆转录病毒的逆转座子不仅是基因组的重要组分,还通过不同方式对基因组产生重要影响。在长期进化过程中,其与宿主基因组中的锌指蛋白形成了快速的共进化关系。然而逆转座子如何被转录调控,以及锌指蛋白的生物学功能一直比较模糊。为深入解析上述生物学问题,本课题组将在以下几个方向进行深入研究:

3.锌指蛋白与 CTCF 协同作用对染色质三维结构的影响



通讯地址: 上海市赤峰路67号天游线路检测中心南校区实训楼509


天游线路检测中心长聘教授,国家青年海外高层次人才计划(第十五批),上海高层次人才计划(第八批),国家重点研发干细胞及转化研究重点专项青年首席科学家,上海市曙光学者,上海市启明星计划,中国遗传学会表观遗传分会委员,中国细胞学会染色质分会委员。担任国家重点研发会评,教育部青年长江学者函评,国家自然科学基金函评等评审。长期从事早期胚胎/胎盘发育异常及胚胎干细胞多能性的表观遗传及代谢机理研究。相关论文以第一/共同第一作者身份发表在Science、Cell、Cell Research、PNAS、Nucleic Acids Research、Trends in Genetics等国际权威期刊。主持多项国家及省部级科研项目,经费累计超过一千万元,其中国家自然科学基金五项,科技部重点研发干细胞专项一项,上海市项目两项。


1.Wu  Q, Xu J, Zeng J, Wang Y*, Yang P*.

Exploration of evolutionary mechanisms shaping KZFP and retrotransposon interactions.

Science Bulletin 2024; S2095-9273 (24) 00503-6. doi: 10.1016/j.scib.2024.07.023. 

(*Corresponding Author)

2.Wu Q, Fang L, Wang Y*, Yang P*

Unraveling the Role of ZNF506 as a human PBS-Pro-targeting protein for ERVP repression. 

Nucleic Acids Res.2023; Sep 11:gkad731. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkad731. (*Corresponding Author)

3.Yang B, Fang L, Gao Q, Xu C, Xu J, Chen Z, Wang Y*, Yang P*

Species-specific KRAB-ZFPs function as repressors of retroviruses by targeting PBS regions. 

PNAS.2022; 119(11):e2119415119. (*Corresponding Author)

4. Guo M, Zhang L, Zhou J, Bi Y, Xu J, Xu C, Kou X, Zhao Y, Li Y, Tu Z, Liu K, Lin J, Yang P*, Gao S*, Wang Y*. 

Precise temporal regulation of Dux is important for embryo development. 

Cell Res. 2019; ;29(11):956-959.(*Corresponding Author)

5. Patel A*, Yang P*, Tinkham M, Sun M, Wang Y, Hoang D, Wolf G, Horton J, Zhang X, Macfarlan TS, Cheng X. 

DNA conformation induces adaptable binding by tandem zinc finger proteins. 

Cell 2018;173(1): 221-233 (*Equal Contribution)

6. Yang P, Wang Y, Hoang D, Tinkham M, Patel A, Sun M, Wolf G, Baker M, Lai N, Cheng X, Shen J, Macfarlan T. 

A placental growth factor is silenced in mouse embryos by the zinc finger protein ZFP568. 

Science 2017;356(6339): 757-759.

7. Yang P, Wang Y, Macfarlan T. 

The role of KRAB-ZFPs in retrotransposon repression and mammalian evolution. 

Trends in Genetics. 2017;33(11):871-881

8. Yang P, Wang Y, Chen J, Li H, Kang L, Zhang Y, Chen S, Zhu B, Gao S. 

Rcor2 is a Subunit of the LSD1 Complex that Regulates ES Cell Property and Substitutes for Sox2 in Reprogramming

Somatic Cells to Pluripotency. 

Stem Cells 2011; 29(5):791-801.

9. Wang Y, Wu Q, Yang P, Wang C, Liu J, Ding W, Liu W, Bai Y, Yang Y, Wang H, Gao S, Wang X. 

LSD1 co-repressor Rcor2 orchestrates neurogenesis in the developing mouse brain. 

Nat Commun. 2016;7:10481

10. Wolf G, Yang P, Füchtbauer A, Füchtbauer E, Silva A, Park C, Wu W, Nielsen A, Pedersen F, Macfarlan TS. 

The KRAB zinc finger protein ZFP809 is required to initiate epigenetic silencing of endogenous retroviruses. 

Genes & Dev. 2015;29(5):538-54.

11. Yang P, Wu W, Macfarlan TS. 

Maternal histone variants and their chaperones promote paternal genome activation and boost somatic cell reprogramming. 

Bioessays. 2015;37(1):52-9.

12. Zhu X, Wang F, Zhao Y, Yang P, Chen J, Sun H, Liu L, Li W, Pan L, Guo Y, Kou Z, Zhang Y, Zhou C, He J, Zhang X, Li

J, Han W, Li J, Liu G, Gao S, Yang Z. 

A gain-of-function mutation in Tnni2 impeded bone development through increasing Hif3a expression in DA2B mice. 

PLoS Genetics. 2014;10(10):e1004589.

13. Jia G, Wang W, Li H, Mao Z, Cai G, Sun J, Wu H, Xu M, Yang P, Yuan W, Chen S, Zhu B. 

A systematic evaluation of the compatibility of histones containing methyl-lysine analogues with biochemical reactions. 

Cell Res. 2009; 19: 1217-1220.

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