


姓    名:刘晓雨

学    位:博士




E-mail:  liuxiaoyu@tongji.edu.cn




通讯地址:上海市杨浦区四平路1239号 天游线路检测中心




2022.03至今           教授          天游线路检测中心

2019.02至今           研究员        天游线路检测中心附属东方医院再生医学研究所

2018.08-2022.02    特聘研究员    天游线路检测中心/天游线路检测中心高等研究院

2017.11-2018.10    访问学者       康奈尔大学医学院,New York,NY,USA

2016.06-2018.07    博士后         天游线路检测中心生命科学与技术学院


2011.07 – 2016.06   博士   生物化学与分子生物学 北京生命科学研究所(NIBS)

2007.09 – 2011.06   学士   生物技术,生命科学学院,南开大学








刘晓雨博士,第六批国家高层次人才特殊支持计划青年拔尖人才计划获得者,国家重点研发计划青年首席科学家,获多项科技部、基金委及上海市项目支持。主要研究方向为哺乳动物胚胎发育过程中的表观遗传调控机制。表观遗传修饰的重塑在全能性的建立过程中发挥重要作用,但具体调控机制尚不清楚。近年来,课题组通过对小鼠和人早期胚胎发育过程中表观遗传修饰重编程机制的研究,1)建立了植入前胚胎发育多种核心组蛋白修饰的图谱,鉴定了多个表观调控因子并初步解析了其作用机制,揭示了早期胚胎逆转座子沉默的表观调控机制;2)解析了核移植胚胎的组蛋白修饰和染色质高级结构重编程机制,并通过改变表观修饰显著提高核移植胚胎发育率。相关成果发表在Nature、Cell Stem Cell、Nature Cell Biology、Cell Research等国际著名学术期刊上,这些研究拓展了对哺乳动物早期表观修饰重编程过程的认识一篇论文入选ESI高被引论文,一项成果入选2016年“中国生命科学领域十大进展”。未来的研究中,课题组将继续围绕全能性重建这一核心问题,深入探究转录调控因子协同表观修饰发挥作用的分子机制,为表观修饰调控胚胎发育机制的研究提供新的理论基础。









1Ruimin Xu1, Qianshu Zhu 1, Yuyan Zhao, Mo Chen, Lingyue Yang, Shijun Shen, Guang Yang, Zhifei Shi, Xiaochen Kou, Yanhong Zhao, Hong Wang, Cizhong Jiang*, Chong Li*, Sharong Gao*, Xiaoyu Liu*. (2023). Unreprogrammed H3K9me3 prevents minor zygotic genome activation and lineage commitment in SCNT embryos. Nature communications, 14(1), 4807.

2Ruimin Xu1, Sen Li1, Qiu Wu1, Chong Li1, Manxi Jiang1, Lei Guo, Mo Chen, Lingyue Yang, Xin Dong, Hong Wang, Chenfei Wang*, Xiaoyu Liu*, Xianghong Ou*, Shaorong Gao*. Stage-specific H3K9me3 allocations ensure retrotransposon silencing in human preimplantation embryos. Cell Stem Cell, 2022.(封面论文)

3, Chenfei Wang1, Chuan Chen1, Xiaoyu Liu1, Chong Li1, Qiu Wu, Xiaolan Chen, Lingyue Yang, Xiaochen Kou, Yanhong Zhao, Hong Wang, Yawei Gao*, Yong Zhang*, Shaorong Gao*.Dynamic nucleosome organization after fertilization reveals regulatory factors for mouse zygotic genome activation. Cell Research, 2022.(封面论文)

4, Lingyue Yang1, Xiaocui Xu1, Ruimin Xu, Chuan Chen, Xiaolei Zhang, Mo Chen, Xiaochen Kou, Yanhong Zhao, Hong Wang, Xiaoyu Liu*, Shaorong Gao*, Chong Li*.Aberrant nucleosome organization in mouse SCNT embryos revealed by ULI-MNase-seq. Stem Cell Reports, 2022

5Tiegang Meng1, Wenlong Lei1, Xukun Lu1, Xiaoyu Liu1, Xueshan Ma, Xiaoqing Nie, Zhenghui Zhao, Qiannan Li, Lin Huang, Yi Hou, Yingchun Ouyang, Lei Li, Tieshan Tang, Heide Schatten, Wei Xie, Shaorong Gao, Xianghong Ou*, Zhenbo Wang*, Qingyuan Sun*. Maternal EHMT2 is essential for homologous chromosome segregation by regulating Cyclin B3 transcription in oocyte meiosis. International journal of biological sciences, 18(11), 4513–4531, (2022)

6, Xu Rumin1, Li Chong1, Liu Xiaoyu*, Gao Shaorong*. Insights into epigenetic patterns in mammalian early embryos. Protein & Cell. 2021


7, Xiaolei Zhang, Shaorong Gao*, Xiaoyu Liu*, Advance in the Role of Epigenetic Reprogramming in Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer-Mediated Embryonic Development, Stem Cells International, vol. 2021,

8Chen, Mo1; Zhu, Qianshu1; Li, Chong1; Kou, Xiaochen; Zhao, Yanhong; Li, Yanhe; Xu, Ruimin; Yang, Lei; Yang, Lingyue; Gu, Liang; Wang, Hong; Liu, Xiaoyu*; Jiang, Cizhong*; Gao, Shaorong*; Chromatin architecture reorganization in murine somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos, Nature Communications2020.

9, Tiegang Meng1, Qian Zhou1, Xueshan Ma1, Xiaoyu Liu1, Qingren Meng, Xianju Huang, Honglin Liu, Wenlong Lei , Zhenghui Zhao, Yingchun Ouyang, Yi Hou, Heide Schatten, Xianghong Ou*, Zhenbo Wang *, Shaorong Gao* & Qingyuan Sun *.PRC2 and EHMT1 regulate H3K27me2 and H3K27me3 establishment across the zygote genome. Nature Communications, 2020

10,Chenfei Wang1, Xiaoyu Liu1, Yawei Gao*1, Lei Yang1, Chong Li, Wenqiang Liu, Chuan Chen, Xiaochen Kou, Yanhong Zhao, Jiayu Chen, Yixuan Wang, Rongrong Le, Hong Wang, Tao Duan, Yong Zhang*, Shaorong Gao*. Reprogramming of H3K9me3-dependent heterochromatin during mammalian embryo development. Nature Cell Biology2018,20(5):620-631 (co-first author)

11Yawei Gao1, Xiaoyu Liu1, Bin Tang1, Chong Li1, Zhaohui Kou, Lin Li, Wenqiang Liu, You Wu, Xiaochen Kou, Jingyi Li, Yanhong Zhao, Jiqing Yin, Hong Wang, She Chen, Lujian Liao*, Shaorong Gao*. Protein expression landscape of mouse embryos during pre-implantation development. Cell Reports, 2017, 21(13):3957-3969 (co-first author)

12Xiaoyu Liu1, Chenfei Wang1, Wenqiang Liu1, Jingyi Li1, Chong Li, Xiaochen Kou, Jiayu Chen, Yanhong Zhao, Haibo Gao, Hong Wang, Yong Zhang*, Yawei Gao*, Shaorong Gao*. Distinct features of H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 chromatin domains in pre-implantation embryos. Nature, 2016. 537: p.558-562.ESI高被引论文)

13Wenqiang Liu1, Xiaoyu Liu1, Chenfei Wang1, Yawei Gao1*, Rui Gao, Xiaochen Kou, Yanhong Zhao, Jingyi Li, You Wu, Wenchao Xiu, Su Wang, Jiqing Yin, Wei Liu, Tao Cai, Hong Wang, Yong Zhang*, Shaorong Gao*. Identification of key factors releasing cloned embryo arrests by combining embyo biopsy and single-cell sequencing. Cell Discovery, (2016) 2, 16010; doi:10.1038/celldisc.2016.10. (co-first author)

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