


姓        名:李维达
学        位:博士
研究领域:干细胞与再生生物学(Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology),转分化(Transdifferentiation),糖尿病疾病模型及转化医学(Diabetes Modeling and Translational Medicine)。
1.  通过干细胞技术探索糖尿病的胰岛细胞再生疗法
2.  胰腺转分化机再生胰岛细胞机制研究
3.  糖尿病致病病机制及代谢疾病靶点研究

        2003年毕业于南开大学,获得生物技术专业学士学位;2009年毕业于北京大学,获得细胞生物学专业博士学位, 2006年-2009年于北京生命科学研究所NIBS及北京大学联合培养,主要从事凋亡细胞清除机制的研究;2010年-2015年于哈佛大学干细胞研究所从事博士后研究,主要研究方向为通过干细胞和转分化技术开发糖 尿病治疗的细胞疗法。2015至今为天游线路检测中心教授,同年双聘为上海市东方医院再生医学研究所教授。

        2012-2015 获美国JDRF(青少年糖尿病基金)Fellowship Award, 2016年国家科技部干细胞及转化青年项目首席科学家。








       干细胞与再生医学技术为人类糖尿病中胰岛β细胞的缺损补充带来了曙光。本课题组以糖尿病中胰岛再生为目标的主要研究途径分2种:1)通过多能干细胞,包括人类胚胎干细胞和诱导多能干细胞iPS,诱导分化为对血糖变化敏感,分泌胰岛素的功能β细胞;2)通过转分化transdifferentiation, 把其它人类成体细胞,如胰腺外分泌型细胞,肝脏细胞,肠道细胞,成纤维细胞,通过谱系重编程变为胰岛β细胞。





1. Lulu Gong, Lining Cao, Zhenmin Shen, Li Shao, Shaorong Gao, Chao Zhang*, Jianfeng Lu*, and Weida Li* (2018). Materials for Neural Differentiation, Trans-differentiation and Neurological Disease Modeling。Advanced Materials.


2. Cavelti-Weder C*, Li W*, Zumsteg A, Stemann-Andersen M, Zhang Y, Yamada T, Wang M, Lu J3, Jermendy A, Bee YM, Bonner-Weir S, Weir GC, Zhou Q (2016). Hyperglycaemia attenuates in vivo reprogramming of pancreatic exocrine to beta-cells. Diabetologia, 59(3):522-32. (* equal contribution).


3.  Li, W.*, Cavelti, C.*, Zhang, Y.*, Clement, K.,Donovan S., Gonzalez, G., Zhu, J., Andersen, M., Xu, K., Hashimoto, T., Yamada, T., Nakanishi, M., Zhang, Y., Zeng, S., Gifford, D.,Meissener, A., Weir,G. and Zhou, Q (2014). Long-term persistence and development of induced pancreatic beta cells generated by lineage conversion of acinar cells. Nature Biotechnology, 32(12):1223-1230.  (* equal contribution).



4. Li, W.*, Nakanishi, M.*, Zumsteg, A., Wright, C., Melton, D., and Zhou, Q. (2014).In vivo reprogramming of pancreatic acinar cells to three islet endocrine subtypes. eLIFE, 3, e01846 (* equal contribution).


5. Cavelti, C.*, Li, W.*, Weir, C.G. and Zhou, Q. Direct lineage conversion of pancreatic exocrine to endocrine beta-cells in vivo with defined factors (2014). Methods in Molecular Biology,  1150:247-262  (* equal contribution).


6. Cronican, J.J. ,Beier, K.T. , Davis, T.N. , Tseng, J.C. , Li, W. , Thompson, D.B. , Shih, A.F. , May, E.M. , Cepko, C.L. , Kung, A.L. , Zhou, Q. and Liu, D.R. (2011). A class of human proteins that deliver functional proteins into mammalian cells in vitro and in vivo..Chemistry and Biology, 18(7), 833-838.


7. Wang, X., Li, W.*, Zhao, D.* ,Liu, B.* , Shi, Y. , Chen, B. , Yang, H. , Guo, P. , Geng, X. , Shang, Z. , Peden, E. , Kage-Nakadai, E. , Mitani, S. and Xue, D. (2010). Caenorhabditiseleganstransthyretin-like protein TTR-52 mediates recognition of apoptotic cells by the CED-1 phagocyte receptor. Nature Cell Biology, 12(7), 655-664  (* equal contribution).


8. Li, W., Zou, W., Zhao, D. ,Yan, J. ,Zhu, Z. , Lu, J. and Wang, X. (2009). C. elegansRabGTPase activating protein TBC-2 promotes cell corpse degradation by regulating the small GTPase RAB-5. Development, 136(14), 2445-2455.


9. Zou, W., Lu, Q., Zhao, D., Li, W., Mapes, J., Xie, Y. and Wang, X. (2009).Caenorhabditiselegansmyotubularin MTM-1 negatively regulates the engulfment of apoptotic cells. PLoS Genetics, 5(10), e1000679.


10. Wang, X. , Liu, M. , Li, W. , Suh, C.D. , Zhu, Z. , Jin, Y. and Fan, Q. (2009). The function of a spindle checkpoint gene bub-1 in C. elegans development.PLoS One, 4(6), e5912.


11. Lu, Q., Zhang, Y., Hu, T., Guo, P., Li, W. and Wang, X. (2008). C. elegansRabGTPase 2 is required for the degradation of apoptotic cells. Development, 135(6), 1069-1080.


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