
李 昂


     姓 名:李昂











         李昂,男,天游线路检测中心副研究员,博士。复旦大学医学院 免疫学 硕士  2002-2005; 天游线路检测中心 生化与分子生物学 博士   2007-2010;
天游线路检测中心  助教/讲师   2005-2011; 天游线路检测中心转化医学高等研究院 副研究员    2011。一直从事肿瘤免疫和肿瘤疫苗开发方面的研究。在硕士期间,研究树突状细胞与T淋巴细胞互相活化和影响的分子机制,并在此基础上开发新型树突状细胞肿瘤疫苗; 博士期间的研究主要集中在纳米材料对树突状细胞功能和分化的影响及机制,并成功开发以纳米材料为载体的新型肿瘤疫苗。相关研究成果连续在国际权威期刊上发表(biomaterials 31:748-756;biomaterials 32:469-477 )。近来研究主要集中在树突状细胞和巨噬细胞的表观遗传改变对其功能的影响,并在相关发现基础上探索新的肿瘤疫苗和肿瘤免疫治疗方法。近年来先后负责和参与研究中央高校基金《ATRA体外调节NK细胞抗瘤效应的研究》(2000219014),973重大科技专项“中胚层干细胞自我更新分化的机制与功能研究”(2012CB966600, 项目骨干),国家自然科学基金《HDAC2对巨噬细胞极化调控机制及其在宫颈癌免疫逃逸中的作用》(81202599),上海市浦江人才计划《lncRNA-IL-8 在间充质干细胞向乳腺癌相关成纤维细胞分化过程中的调控作用与机制研究》(16PJ1410200)等。 


1、Ang Li, Lili Qin, Wenrui Wang, Rongrong Zhu, Hui Liu, Shilong Wang. The use of layered double hydroxide as DNA vaccine delivery system for enhancement of anti-melonoma immune response. Biomaterials;2011, 32:469-477  
2、Ang Li, Lili Qin, Di Zhu, Rongrong Zhu, Jing Sun, Shilong Wang, The promotion effect of Layered double hydroxides nanoparticles on responses of dendritic cell. Biomaterials;2010,31:748-756  
3、 Wen-Rui Wang, Ang Li (共同第一), Wei Mei, et al. Dexamethasone sodium phosphate intercalated layered double hydroxides and their therapeutic efficacy in a murine asthma model.  RSC  Advances. 2015, 23826-23834
4、Jianou Qiao, Ang Li (共同第一作者), Xianqiao Jin, and Jian Wang. Mastic Alleviates Allergic Inflammation in Asthmatic Model Mice by Inhibiting Recruitment of Eosinophils. Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol.; 2011,45:95-100 
5、Ang Li, Sidong Xiong, Yi Lin, Rongjun Liu, Yiwei Chu, A high-affinity T helper epitope enhances peptide-pulsed dendritic cell-based vaccine, DNA and cell biology, 2011,30(11):883-92  
6、Wu C, Li A(共同第一作者), Li Y, Leng Y, Kang J, Histone deacetylase inhibition by sodium valproate regulates polarization of macrophage subsets, DNA and cell biology,2011,on line, DOI:10.1089/dna.2011.1401  
7、Ang Li,  Meilan He,  Hui Wang,  Bin Qiao,  Ping Chen,  Hua Gu,  Mengjie Zhang, and Shengxiang He,  All-trans retinoic acid negatively regulates cytotoxic activities of nature killer cell line 92, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2007,352: 42-47
8、Jianou Qiao, Ang Li, Xianqiao Jin. TSLP from RSV-stimulated rat airway epithelial cells activates myeloid dendritic cells. Immunol Cell Biol. 2011, 89(2):231-8 
9、He ML, Li A, Xu CS, Wang SL, Zhang MJ, Gu H, Yang YQ, Tao HH. Mechanisms of antiprostate cancer by gum mastic: NF-kappaB signal as target. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 28(3): 446-452, 2007. 
10、Chen Ping, Li Ang, Zhang Meng-jie, He Mei-lan, Chen Zhen, Wu Xiao-kang, Zhao Chun-jun, Wang Shi-long, Liang Li-ping. Protective effects of a new metalloporphyrin on paraquat-induced oxidative stress and apoptosis in N27 cells. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica. 2008,40(2):125-132  
11、Yiwei Chu, Mingcan Xia, Yi Lin, Ang Li, Ying Wang, Rongjun Liu and Sidong Xiong: Th2-dominated Anti-tumor Immunity Induced by DNA Immunization with the Genes Coding for a Basal Core Peptide PDTRP and GM-CSF  Cancer Gene Therapy  13: 510- 519  2006
12、Chen Ping, Chen Zhen, Li Ang, Lou Xiao-chu, Wu Xiao-kang, Zhao Chun-jun, Wang Shi-long, Liang Li-ping. A Catalytic Metalloporphyrin Protects against Paraquat Neurotoxicity in vivo. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 2008, 21(3):233-238
1.   lncRNA-IL-8 在间充质干细胞向乳腺癌相关成纤维细胞分化过程中的调控作用与机制研究。上海市浦江人才计划 16PJ1410200  2016.7-2018.7
2.   HDAC2对巨噬细胞极化调控机制及其在宫颈癌免疫逃逸中的作用  国家自然科学基金 
3.  973重大科技专项“中胚层干细胞自我更新分化的机制与功能研究”(2012CB966600)。科技部, 2012.1-2016.12


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