







1. 体细胞重编程机制研究

2. 应用多能干细胞以及临床样本进行女性生殖系统生理病理过程的体外模拟及再生医学研究





2018.02-至今 天游线路检测中心附属第一妇婴保健院 助理研究员、副研究员

2014.07-2018.01 天游线路检测中心/中国科学院生物物理研究所 生物化学与分子生物学博士

2012.07-2014.06 中国科学院上海生命科学研究院健康科学研究所 助理研究员

2011.07-2012.06 上海市药明康德新药开发有限公司 研究员

2007.09-2011.06 华东师范大学/中国科学院上海药物所国家新药筛选中心 生物医学硕士

2002.09-2006.06 石河子大学 食品工程学院 工学学士



主要聚焦在体细胞重编程的机制研究,发现多个可以促进体细胞重编程的卵源因子和表观遗传因子,并阐明其作用机制;同时,开展女性生殖系统疾病的发病机制及细胞治疗工作。应用多能干细胞及类器官等模型体外模拟女性生殖系统的生理和病理过程(包括卵巢和子宫的发育、胚胎植入过程以及卵巢早衰、子宫腺肌症、反复植入失败等疾病过程),研究其发育和发病机制,探索相关疾病治疗的新策略,并以此为基础开展细胞治疗及相关药物筛选等转化医学研究。相关研究成果在Protein Cell, Stem Cell Reports, Cell Porliferation等杂志上。主持和参与多项国家自然科学基金青年项目、面上项目等。



1. Chen T#, Xu Y#, Xu X#, Wang J#, Qiu Z, Yu Y, Jiang X, Shao W, Bai D, Wang M, Mei S, Cheng T, Wu L*, Gao S*, Che X*. Comprehensive transcriptional atlas of human adenomyosis deciphered by the integration of single-cell RNA-sequencing and spatial transcriptomics. Protein Cell. 2024 Mar 15: pwae012. 

2. Shen J#, Wu L#*, Shi X, Chen G, Liu T, Xu F, Xu X, Kou X, Zhao Y, Wang H, Wang C, Gao S*, Xu S*. Transplantation of the LRP1high subpopulation of human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells improves ovarian function in mice with premature ovarian failure and aged mice. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2024 Mar 5;15(1):64.

3. Xi C#, Yan Z#, Bai D#, Zhang Y#, Wang B#, Han XX#, Wu L, Shi X, Hu Z, Tang M, Su Z, Liu Y, Liu B, Yin J, Wang H, Li X*, Zhang Y*, Gao S*, Liu W*. Immune rebalancing at the maternal-fetal interface of maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection during early pregnancy. Protein Cell. 2024 Mar 5: pwae006.

4. Liu D#, Guan X#, Liu W, Jia Y, Zhou H, Xi C, Zhao M, Fang Y, Wu L*, Li K*. Identification of transcriptome characteristics of granulosa cells and the possible role of UBE2C in the pathogenesis of premature ovarian insufficiency. J Ovarian Res. 2023 Oct 17;16(1):203.

5. Tu Z#, Bi Y#, Zhu X, Liu W, Hu J, Wu L, Mao T, Zhou J, Wang H, Wang H, Gao S*, Wang Y*. Modeling human pregastrulation development by 3D culture of blastoids generated from primed-to-naïve transitioning intermediates. Protein Cell. 2023 May 8;14(5):337-349.

6. Li H#, Sun J#, Dong Y, Huang Y, Wu L, Xi C, Su Z, Xiao Y, Zhang C, Liang Y, Li Y, Lin Z, Shen L, Zuo Y, Abudureheman A, Yin J, Wang H, Kong X, Le R*, Gao S*, Zhang Y*. Remodeling of H3K9me3 during the pluripotent to totipotent-like state transition. Stem Cell Reports. 2023 Feb 14;18(2):449-462. 

7. Zhu J#, Chen K#, Sun YH, Ye W, Liu J, Zhang D, Su N, Wu L, Kou X, Zhao Y, Wang H, Gao S*, Kang L*. LSM1-mediated Major Satellite RNA decay is required for nonequilibrium histone H3.3 incorporation into parental pronuclei. Nat Commun. 2023 Feb 21;14(1):957.

8. Xi C#, Sun J#, Xu X, Wu Y, Kou X, Zhao Y, Shen J, Dong Y, Chen K, Su Z, Liu D, Ye W, Liu Y, Zhang R, Xu Y, Wang H, Hao L*, Wu L*, Gao S*. Mettl14-driven senescence-associated secretory phenotype facilitates somatic cell reprogramming. Stem Cell Reports. 2022 Aug 9;17(8):1799-1809.

9. Zhao K#, Sun X#, Zheng C#, Wang M, Xu Z, Wang M, Chen J, Guo M, Le R, Wu L, Wang Y, Kou X, Zhao Y, Yin J, Wang H, Mao Z*, Gao S*, Gao S*. Enhancement of Xrcc1-mediated base excision repair improves the genetic stability and pluripotency of iPSCs. Sci Bull (Beijing). 2022 Jun 15;67(11):1126-1130.

10. Wu L#, He S#, Ye W, Shen J, Zhao K, Zhang Y, Zhang R, Wei J, Cao S, Chen K, Le R, Xi C, Kou X, Zhao Y, Wang H, Kang L*, Gao S*. Surf4 facilitates reprogramming by activating the cellular response to endoplasmic reticulum stress. Cell Prolif. 2021 Nov;54(11):e13133.

11. Chen Y#, Chen J, Sun X, Yu J, Qian Z, Wu L, Xu X, Wan X, Jiang Y, Zhang J, Gao S*, Mao Z*. The SIRT6 activator MDL-800 improves genomic stability and pluripotency of old murine-derived iPS cells. Aging Cell. 2020 Aug;19(8):e13185.

12. Li J#, Shen S#, Chen J#, Liu W, Li X, Zhu Q, Wang B, Chen X, Wu L, Wang M, Gu L, Wang H, Yin J, Jiang C*, Gao S*. Accurate annotation of accessible chromatin in mouse and human primordial germ cells. Cell Res. 2018 Oct 10.

13. Wu L, Wu Y, Peng B, Hou Z, Dong Y, Chen K, Guo M, Li H, Chen X, Kou X, Zhao Y, Bi Y, Wang Y, Wang H, Le R*, Kang L*, Gao       S*.Oocyte-Specific Homeobox 1, Obox1, Facilitates Reprogramming by Promoting Mesenchymal-to-Epithelial Transition and   mitigating Cell Hyperproliferation. Stem Cell Reports. 2017 Nov 14;9(5):1692-1705. 

14. Zhang L, Wang JC, Hou L, Cao PR, Wu L, Zhang QS, Yang HY, Zang Y, Ding JP, Li J. Functional Role of Histidine in the Conserved His-x-Asp Motif in the Catalytic Core of ProteinKinases.  Sci Rep. 2015 May 11;5:10115.

15. Wu L, Yang C, Deng S, Zhou Y, Qian M, Zang Y. Screening of AMPK interacted proteins by yeast two hybrid system. China Biotechnology. 2012 Feb 32(2):1-7.

16. Wu L, Huang XJ, Yang CH, Deng SS, Qian M, Zang Y, Li J. 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) regulates progesterone receptor     transcriptional activity in breast cancer cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2011 Dec 9;416(1-2):172-7.

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