











王晨飞,长聘教授,博士生导师。2008年起就读于天游线路检测中心生物信息学专业,2012年获学士学位,2017年获博士学位,2017-2020年在天游线路检测中心、美国哈佛大学Dana-Farber癌症研究所从事博士后研究, 2020年起任天游线路检测中心研究员、教授。主持多个国家级科研项目,包括国家优青、面上项目、青年基金等。获得吴瑞奖学金、博新计划、上海市科技启明星、天游线路检测中心追求卓越奖等荣誉。以通讯/第一作者(含共同)身份在NatureCellNat. Cell Biol.Cell Stem CellGenome Biol.Genome Med.EMBO J.Cancer Immunol. Res.Nucleic Acids Res.等杂志发表二十余篇论文。担任Nat. Rev. Genet.Nat. MethodsNat. Cell Biol.等杂志审稿人,BMC Bioinfor.杂志编委。担任上海市生物信息学会理事,青年委员会主任委员。



单细胞和空间多组学技术已经彻底改变了我们对复杂生物系统中细胞异质性的认识。然而,相应的分析目前面临着各种挑战,包括分辨率不足、覆盖范围有限,以及难以整合和生成异质性的多模态数据。为了解决这些问题,课题组开发了一系列智能算法。STRIDE可以改善基于Visium的空间转录组测序的分辨率Nucleic Acids Res. 2022CELLIST能够在高分辨率的空间转录组测序数据集中实现准确的细胞分割。SCRIPNucleic Acids Res. 2022SCRIProBioinform. 2024利用单细胞和空间多组学数据构建基因调控网络。EvaCCI用于评估细胞间相互作用(Genome Biol. 2022),SCREE可分析多模态单细胞CRISPR筛选数据(Brief. Bioinformatics 2023)。这些算法提高了单细胞空间组学数据的分辨率,并为诸如单细胞多组学整合、信号增强和构建细胞命运特异性基因调控网络等挑战提供了系统性的解决方案。


多细胞系统中的细胞身份受到内在因素(如基因表达调控)和外在因素(如细胞间相互作用)的调控。课题组前期在小鼠及人类胚胎发育中的工作已经证明了内在表观遗传调控与细胞命运决定之间的紧密关联(Nature 2016; Nat. Cell Biol. 2018; Cell Stem Cell 2018, 2022; Cell Res. 2022)。目前,课题组正在开发基于大规模单细胞多模态数据预训练的生成式人工智能模型。这些模型旨在揭示基因调控、细胞间相互作用和代谢物、力学等其他环境因素对细胞身份调控的协同效应。课题组开发了基于多对抗领域自适应网络的SELINA算法(Cell Rep. Methods., 2023),使用大规模预训练的人类单细胞RNA测序参考数据集自动注释细胞类型。我们希望利用生成式细胞身份模型,深入了解驱动细胞身份转变的机制,并进一步指导和重塑这一转变过程。


癌症是免疫监视逃逸的结果,免疫抑制性肿瘤微环境对肿瘤的发展和治疗耐药性具有强烈影响。课题组基于深度生物信息学数据分析,结合单细胞和空间多组学数据,研究内在基因表达调控和外在环境因素对肿瘤微环境中免疫细胞身份转变的影响,从而发展重塑肿瘤微环境的方法用于癌症治疗。课题组已经开发了一个全面的单细胞RNA测序数据资源TISCH Nucleic Acids Res. 2021, 2023),用于分析肿瘤微环境中的基因表达和细胞类型组成。课题组也构建了全癌种的细胞身份图谱TabulaTIME,并发现广泛存在的调节肿瘤免疫的纤维化生态型。目前,课题组正在与肿瘤学家和免疫学家紧密合作,研究不同类型癌症中肿瘤微环境演变和免疫治疗耐药性的机制(Cell 2024; Cancer Immunol. Res. 2023; Genome Med. 2023; EMBO J. 2023)。


#: 共同一作 *: 通讯作者


1.Chang Z#, Xu Y#, Dong X#, Gao Y, Wang C*. Single-cell and spatial multiomic inference of gene regulatory networks using SCRIPro. Bioinform. 2024; In press

2.Sun F#, Li H#, Sun D#, Fu S#, Gu L#, Shao X#, Wang Q#, Dong X#, Duan B#, Xing F#, Wu J#, Xiao M*, Zhao F*, Han J*, Liu Q*, Fan X*, Li C*, Wang C*, Shi T*. Single-Cell Omics: experimental workflow, data analyses and applications. Sci. China Life Sci. 2024;  In press

3.Liu Q#, Zhang J#, Guo C#, Wang M#, Wang C#, Yan Y, Sun L, Wang D, Zhang L, Yu H, Hou L, Wu C, Zhu Y, Jiang G, Zhu H, Zhou Y, Fang S, Zhang T, Hu L, Li J, Liu Y, Zhang H, Zhang B, Ding L, Robles A, Rodriguez H, Gao D*, Ji H*, Zhou H*, Zhang P*. Proteogenomic characterization of small cell lung cancer identifies biological insights and subtype-specific therapeutic strategies. Cell 2024; 187 (1), 184-203.


4. Han T#, Wang X#, Shi S, Zhang W, Wang J, Wu Q, Li Z, Fu J, Zheng R, Zhang J, Tang Q, Zhang P*, Wang C*. Cancer Cells Resistance to IFN-γ via Enhanced Double-Strand Break Repair Pathway. Cancer Immunol Res 2023; 11 (3), 381–398.

5. Wei H#, Han T, Li T, Wu Q*, Wang C*. SCREE: a comprehensive pipeline for single-cell multi-modal CRISPR screen data processing and analysis. Brief. Bioinformatics 2023; 24 (3), bbad123

6. Ren P#, Shi X#, Dong X, Yu Z, Ding X, Wang J, Sun L, Yan Y, Hu J, Zhang P, Chen Q, Zhang J*, Li T*, Wang C*. SELINA: Single-cell Assignment using Multiple-Adversarial Domain Adaptation Network with Large-scale References. Cell Rep. Methods 2023; 3 (9)

7. Hu J#, Zhang L#, Xia H#, Yan Y#, Zhu X, Sun F, Sun L, Li S, Li D, Wang J, Han Y, Zhang J, Bian D, Yu H, Chen Y, Fan P, Ma Q, Jiang G, Wang C*, Zhang P*. Tumor microenvironment remodeling after neoadjuvant immunotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer revealed by single-cell RNA sequencing. Genome Medicine 2023; 15(1), 1-14.

8. Cao G#, Yue J#, Ruan Y#, Han Y, Zhi Y, Lu J, Liu M, Xu X, Wang J, Gu Q, Wen X, Gao J, Kang J, Zhang Q, Wang C*, Li F*. Single-cell Dissection of Cervical Cancer Reveals Key Subsets of the Tumor Immune Microenvironment. The EMBO J. 2023; accepted. 

9. Han Y#, Wang Y#, Dong X#, Sun D, Liu Z, Yue J, Wang H, Li T*, Wang C*. TISCH2: expanded datasets and new tools for single-cell transcriptome analyses of the tumor microenvironment. Nucleic Acids Res 2023; 51 (D1), D1425-D1431.

10. Shi X#, Yu Z#, Ren P, Dong X, Ding X, Song J, Zhang J, Li T*, Wang C*. HUSCH: an integrated single-cell transcriptome atlas for human tissue gene expression visualization and analyses. Nucleic Acids Res 2023; 51 (D1), D1029-D1037.


11. Xu R#, Li S#, Wu Q#, Li C#, Jiang M#, Guo L, Chen M, Yang L, Dong X, Wang H, Wang C*, Liu X*, Ou X*, Gao S*. Stage-specific H3K9me3 occupancy ensures retrotransposon silencing in human preimplantation embryos. Cell Stem Cell 2022; 29 (7), 1051-1066. (Cover Story)

12. Sun D#, Liu Z, Li T, Wu Q, Wang C*. STRIDE: accurately decomposing and integrating spatial  transcriptomics using single-cell RNA sequencing. Nucleic Acids Res 2022; 50 (7) e42-e42.

13. Dong X#, Tang K#, Xu Y, Wei H, Han T, Wang C*. Single-cell Gene Regulation Network Inference by Large-scale Data Integration. Nucleic Acids Res 2022; 1. 2022; doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkac819

14. Liu Z, Sun D, Wang C*. Evaluation of cell-cell interaction methods by integrating single-cell RNA sequencing data with spatial information. Genome Biol 2022; Oct 17;23(1):218. doi: 10.1186/s13059-022-02783-y.

15. Wang C#, Chen C#, Liu X#, Li C#, Wu Q, Chen X, Yang L, Kou X, Zhao Y, Wang H, Gao Y*, Zhang Y*, Gao S*. Dynamic nucleosome organization after fertilization reveals regulatory factors for mouse zygotic genome activation. Cell Res 2022; 1-13.  (Cover Story)


16. Sun D#, Wang J#, Han Y#, Dong X, Zheng R, Ge J, Shi X, Wang B, Li Z, Ren P, Sun L, Yan Y, Zhang P, Zhang F*, Li T*, Wang C*. TISCH: a comprehensive web resource enabling interactive single-cell transcriptome visualization of tumor microenvironment. Nucleic Acid Res 2021; 49 (D1), D1420-D1430. (ESI Highly Cited)

17. Wang C#, Sun D#, Huang X, Wan C, Li Z, Han Y, Qin Q, Fan J, Qiu X, Xie Y, Meyer CA, Brown M, Tang M, Long H, Liu T*, and Liu XS*. Integrative analyses of single-cell transcriptome and regulome using MAESTRO. Genome Biol 2020; 21(1), 1-28.

18. Wang C#, Liu X#, Gao Y#*, Yang L#, Li C, Liu W, Chen C, Kou X, Zhao Y, Chen J, Wang Y, Le R, Wang H, Duan T, Zhang Y*, Gao S*. Reprogramming of H3K9me3-dependent heterochromatin during mammalian embryo development. Nat Cell Biol 2018; 20(5), 620-631.

19. Gao R#, Wang C#, Gao Y#, Bai D, Liu X, Kou X, Zhao Y, Zang R, Liao Y, Jia Y, Chen J, Wang H, Wan X, Liu W*, Zhang Y*, Gao S*. Inhibition of aberrant DNA re-methylation improves the development of nuclear transfer embryos. Cell Stem Cell 2018; 23(3), 426-435.

20. Liu X#, Wang C#, Liu W#, Li J#, Li C, Kou X, Chen J, Zhao Y, Gao H, Wang H, Zhang Y*, Gao Y*, Gao S*. Distinct features of H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 chromatin domains in pre-implantation embryos. Nature 2016; 537(7621), 558-562.

21. Liu W#, Liu X#, Wang C#, Gao Y#, Gao R, Kou X, Zhao Y, Li J, Wu Y, Xiu W, Wang S, Yin J, Liu W, Cai T, Wang H, Zhang Y*, Gao S*. Identification of key factors conquering developmental arrest of somatic cell cloned embryos by combining embryo biopsy and single-cell sequencing. Cell Discov 2016; 2(1), 1-15. 

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