






1. RNA表观修饰和转录调控在多物种胚胎发育过程中的机制研究

2. 关键RNA结合蛋白在胚胎发育和配子发生过程中的机制研究

3. 微量细胞表观组学测序方法的建立和优化




2011.9—2015.6      天游线路检测中心  天游线路检测中心  学士

2015.9—2020.6      天游线路检测中心  天游线路检测中心  博士

2020.6—2023.3      天游线路检测中心 天游线路检测中心  博士后

2023.3—至今         天游线路检测中心 天游线路检测中心 预聘副教授


吴悠,现于高绍荣教授、高亚威教授团队,主要研究方向包括早期胚胎发育和配子发生领域的表观调控和RNA表观和转录组学。主要研究成果包括首次建立了微量RNA甲基化全转录组测序技术,利用该技术揭示了RNA甲基化在小鼠早期胚胎发育母源合子转变过程中的动态变化图谱,并揭示了RNA甲基化m6A对母源逆转座子RNA的维持作用,以及对受精后特异性表达的逆转座子的降解调控作用。吴悠及其所在团队拥有成熟的小鼠早期胚胎发育研究平台,干细胞多能性及体细胞重编程等体系,CRISPR基因编辑小鼠模型构建等系统,擅长多项测序技术包括RNA结合蛋白靶点(RIP-seq)测序技术、单细胞转录组测序、微量细胞表观修饰测序技术等。个人代表性成果发表于《Nature Cell Biology》,《Cell Reports》,《Development》等国际知名学术期刊。获得了国自然青年基金(2022),上海市扬帆计划(2022),博士后面上项目(2020)等项目资助。



1. Wu Y#, Xu X#, Qi M#, Chen C, Li M, Yan R, Kou X, Zhao Y, Liu W, Li Y, Liu X, Zhang M, Yi C, Liu H, Xiang J, Wang H, Shen B, Gao Y, Gao S. N6-methyladenosine regulates maternal RNA maintenance in oocytes and timely RNA decay during mouse maternal-to-zygotic transition. Nature Cell Biology. 2022 May 23; doi: 10.1038/s41556-022-00915-x

2. Wu Y, Liu W, Chen J, Liu S, Wang M, Yang L, Chen C, Qi M, Xu Y, Qiao Z, Yan R, Kou X, Zhao Y, Shen B, Yin J, Wang H, Gao Y, Gao S. Nuclear Exosome Targeting Complex Core Factor Zcchc8 Regulates the Degradation of LINE1 RNA in Early Embryos and Embryonic Stem Cells. Cell Rep. 2019 Nov 19;29(8):2461-2472.e6.

3. Zhao Y#, Bai D#, Wu Y#, Zhang D, Liu M, Tian Y, Lu J, Wang H, Gao S, Lu Z. Maternal Ezh1/2 deficiency in oocyte delays H3K27me2/3 restoration and impairs epiblast development responsible for embryonic sub-lethality in mouse. Development. 2022 Aug 4;149(15):dev200316.

4. Wu Y#, Chen P#, Jing Y, Wang C, Men YL, Zhan W, Wang Q, Gan Z, Huang J, Xie K, Mi J, Yu C, Yu X, Chen PC, Chang JF, Cai F, Chen S. Microarray Analysis Reveals Potential Biological Functions of Histone H2B Monoubiquitination. PLoS One. 2015 Jul 15;10(7):e0133444.

5. Kim KP, Wu Y, Yoon J, Adachi K, Wu G, Velychko S, MacCarthy CM, Shin B, Röpke A, Arauzo-Bravo MJ, Stehling M, Han DW, Gao Y, Kim J, Gao S, Schöler HR . Reprogramming competence of OCT factors is determined by transactivation domains. Sci Adv. 2020 Sep 2;6(36):eaaz7364.

6. Wei J#, Yu X#, Yang L#, Liu X#, Gao B, Huang B, Dou X, Liu J, Zou Z, Cui XL, Zhang LS, Zhao X, Liu Q, He PC, Sepich-Poore C, Zhong N, Liu W, Li Y, Kou X, Zhao Y, Wu Y, Cheng X, Chen C, An Y, Dong X, Wang H, Shu Q, Hao Z, Duan T, He YY, Li X, Gao S, Gao Y, He C. FTO mediates LINE1 m6A demethylation and chromatin regulation in mESCs and mouse development. Science. 2022 May 27;376(6596):968-973. doi: 10.1126/science.abe9582.

7. Wu L, Wu Y, Peng B, Hou Z, Dong Y, Chen K, Guo M, Li H, Chen X, Kou X, Zhao Y, Bi Y, Wang Y, Wang H, Le R, Kang L, Gao S. Oocyte-Specific Homeobox 1, Obox1, Facilitates Reprogramming by Promoting Mesenchymal-to-Epithelial Transition and Mitigating Cell Hyperproliferation. Stem Cell Reports. 2017 Nov 14;9(5):1692-1705.

8. Shi H, Zhang X, Weng YL, Lu Z, Liu Y, Lu Z, Li J, Hao P, Zhang Y, Zhang F, Wu Y, Delgado JY, Su Y, Patel MJ, Cao X, Shen B, Huang X, Ming GL, Zhuang X, Song H, He C, Zhou T. m6A facilitates hippocampus-dependent learning and memory through YTHDF1. Nature. 2018 Nov;563(7730):249-253.

9. Chen C, Liu W, Guo J, Liu Y, Liu X, Liu J, Dou X, Le R, Huang Y, Li C, Yang L, Kou X, Zhao Y, Wu Y, Chen J, Wang H, Shen B, Gao Y, Gao S. Nuclear m6A reader YTHDC1 regulates the scaffold function of LINE1 RNA in mouse ESCs and early embryos. Protein&Cell. 2021. 12(6): p. 455-474.

10. Gao Y#, Liu X#, Tang B#, Li C#, Kou Z, Li L, Liu W, Wu Y, Kou X, Li J, Zhao Y, Yin J, Wang H, Chen S, Liao L, Gao S. Protein Expression Landscape of Mouse Embryos during Pre-implantation Development. Cell Rep. 2017 Dec 26;21(13):3957-3969.

11. Liu W#, Liu X#, Wang C#, Gao Y#, Gao R, Kou X, Zhao Y, Li J, Wu Y, Xiu W, Wang S, Yin J, Liu W, Cai T, Wang H, Zhang Y, Gao S. Identification of key factors conquering developmental arrest of somatic cell cloned embryos by combining embryo biopsy and single-cell sequencing. Cell Discov. 2016 Jun 7;2:16010.

12. Wang H, Diao D, Shi Z, Zhu X, Gao Y, Gao S, Liu X, Wu Y, Rudolph KL, Liu G, Li T, Ju Z. SIRT6 Controls Hematopoietic Stem Cell Homeostasis through Epigenetic Regulation of Wnt Signaling. Cell Stem Cell. 2016 Apr 7;18(4):495-507.

13. Chen J#, Chen X#, Li M, Liu X, Gao Y, Kou X, Zhao Y, Zheng W, Zhang X, Huo Y, Chen C, Wu Y, Wang H, Jiang C, Gao S. Hierarchical Oct4 Binding in Concert with Primed Epigenetic Rearrangements during Somatic Cell Reprogramming. Cell Rep. 2016 Feb 16;14(6):1540-1554.

14. Xi C#, Sun J#, Xu X#, Wu Y, Kou X, Zhao Y, Shen J, Dong Y, Chen K, Su Z, Liu D, Ye W, Liu Y, Zhang R, Xu Y, Wang H, Hao L, Wu L, Gao S. Mettl14-driven senescence-associated secretory phenotype facilitates somatic cell reprogramming. Stem Cell Reports. 2022 Aug 9;17(8):1799-1809. doi: 10.1016/j.stemcr.2022.06.012.

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