





E-mail: qiu_wu@tongji.edu.cn




2023.05 – 至今    天游线路检测中心,天游线路检测中心,助理教授

2018.09 - 2023.05   天游线路检测中心,天游线路检测中心,博士后

2014.07 - 2015.09    哈佛大学Dana-Farber癌症研究所,访问学者



2013.09 - 2018.06   天游线路检测中心,天游线路检测中心,生物学,博士

2009.09 - 2013.06   四川农业大学,农学院,植物保护,学士



1. 单细胞及空间功能基因组学技术方法开发

2. 免疫疾病与衰老的表观遗传调控



吴秋博士,主要研究方向为发展单细胞、空间功能基因组学技术及计算方法,研究免疫疾病、衰老等复杂生物系统中疾病相关细胞类型的分化、功能及致病机制,鉴定疾病相关关键基因。近五年来,相关成果以共同第一/共同通讯作者发表在Cell Stem Cell、Nucleic Acids Research等国际著名学术期刊上。获得上海市超级博士后、国家自然科学基金青年项目、博士后面上项目等支持。



1.Xu R*, Li S*, Wu Q*, Li C*, Jiang M*, Guo L, Chen M, Yang L, Dong X, Wang H, Wang C#, Liu X#, Ou X#, Gao S#. Stage-specific H3K9me3 occupancy ensures retrotransposon silencing in human pre-implantation embryos. Cell Stem Cell 2022; 29(7):1051-1066. (Cover story)

2.Sun D, Liu Z, Li T, Wu Q#, Wang C#. STRIDE: accurately decomposing and integrating spatial transcriptomics using single-cell RNA sequencing. Nucleic Acids Res 2022; 50(7):e42-e42

3. Mei S*, Qin Q*, Wu Q*, Sun H, Zhen R, Zang C, Zhu M, Wu J, Shi X, Taing L, Liu T, Brown M, Meyer CA#, Liu XS#. Cistrome Data Browser: a data portal for ChIP-Seq and chromatin accessibility data in human and mouse. Nucleic Acids Res 2016; 45(D1):D658-D662.

4.Qin Q*, Mei S*, Wu Q*, Sun H, Li L, Taing L, Chen S, Li F, Liu T, Zang C, Xu H, Chen Y, Meyer CA, Zhang Y, Brown M, Long HW#, Liu XS#. ChiLin: a comprehensive ChIP-seq and DNase-seq quality control and analysis pipeline. BMC Bioinformatics 2016; 17(1):404.

5.Han T*, Wang X*, Shi S, Zhang W, Wang J, Wu Q, Li Z, Fu J, Zheng R, Zhang J, Tang Q, Zhang P#, Wang C#. Cancer Cells Resistance to IFN-γ via Enhanced Double-Strand Break Repair Pathway. Cancer Immunol Res 2023; 11(3):381–398.

6.Wang C*, Chen C*, Liu X*, Li C*, Wu Q, Chen X, Yang L, Kou X, Zhao Y, Wang H, Gao Y#, Zhang Y#, Gao S#. Dynamic nucleosome organization after fertilization reveals regulatory factors for mouse zygotic genome activation. Cell Res 2022; 32(9):801-813.

7.Qin Q*, Fan J*, Zheng R, Wan C, Mei S, Wu Q, Sun H, Brown M, Zhang J#, Meyer CA#, Liu XS#. Lisa: inferring transcriptional regulators through integrative modeling of public chromatin accessibility and ChIP-seq data. Genome biol 2020; 21(1):1-14.

8.Zheng R*, Wan C*, Mei S, Qin Q, Wu Q, Sun H, Chen CH, Brown M, Zhang XY#, Meyer CA#, Liu XS#. Cistrome Data Browser: expanded datasets and new tools for gene regulatory analysis. Nucleic Acids Res 2019; 47 (D1):D729-D735.

9.Xiao T*, Li W*, Wang X, Xu H, Yang J, Wu Q, Huang Y, Geradts J, Jiang P, Fei T, Chi D, Zang C, Liao Q, Rennhack J, Andrechek E, Li N, Detre S, Dowsett M, Jeselsohn R, Liu X#, Myles B#. Estrogen-regulated feedback loop limits the efficacy of estrogen receptor–targeted breast cancer therapy. PNAS 2018; 115(31):7869-7878.

10. Mei S*, Meyer CA*, Zheng R, Qin Q, Wu Q, Jiang P, Li B, Shi X, Wang B, Fan J, Brown M, Zang C#, Liu XS#. Cistrome Cancer: a web resource for integrative gene regulation modeling in cancer. Cancer Res 2017; 77(21):e19-e22.

11. Fei T*, Chen Y*, Xiao T, Li W, Cato L, Zhang P, Cotter MB, Bowden M, Lis RT, Zhao SG, Wu Q, Feng FY, Loda M, He HH, Liu XS#, Brown M#. Genome-wide CRISPR screen identifies HNRNPL as a prostate cancer dependency regulating RNA splicing. PNAS 2017; 114(26):E5207-E5215.

12.Wang S*, Zang C*, Xiao T, Fan J, Mei S, Qin Q, Wu Q, Li XJ, Xu K, He HH, Brown M, Meyer CA#, Liu XS#. Modeling cis-regulation with a compendium of genome-wide histone H3K27ac profiles. Genome Res 2016; 26(10):1417-1429.

13.Xu H*, Xiao T*, Chen CH, Meyer CA, Wu Q, Wu D, Cong L, Zhang F, Liu JS, Brown M#, Liu XS#. Sequence determinants of improved CRISPR sgRNA design. Genome Res 2015; 25(8):1147-57.

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