







1. 转座子介导的基因表达调控机制研究

2. 调控性非编码RNA生成加工机制及其生物学功能研究

3. 多组学高通量数据整合及计算生物学算法开发







长期从事针对非编码RNA序列的计算生物学交叉研究,主要通过整合多组学高通量数据,开发新型计算分析算法,系统探究转座子等重复序列在基因表达调控中的作用,解析非编码RNA生成加工机制及其生物学功能,以期拓展人们对于基因表达在转录/转录后水平调控复杂性和多样性的认识,进一步推动非编码序列在人类健康及疾病治疗方面的研究。截止到20245月,已发表SCI研究论文36篇(h-index: 24),其中在CellMol CellGenome Res等学术期刊发表第一或通讯作者研论文10篇,并被CellNatureNat Rev Genet等多次专评,Google Scholar累计引用9000余次。曾获吴瑞奖学金、中国科学院院长特别奖、中国科学院优秀博士论文奖、中国科学院大学-必和必拓奖学金,以及邹承鲁杰出研究论文奖等多项殊荣。





(* 共同第一作者; † 通讯作者)

1. Gu X, Wang M, Zhang XO†. TE-TSS: an integrated data resource of human and mouse transposable element (TE)-derived transcription start site (TSS). Nucleic Acids Res. 2024, 52:D322-D333.

2. Sun S*, Zhao Q*, Zhao Y, Geng M, Wang Q, Gao Q, Zhang XO†, Zhang W†, Suai L†. BCL2 is a major regulator of haploidy maintenance in murine embryonic stem cells. Cell Prolif. 2023, e13498.

3.  Zhang XO, Pratt HE, Weng Z†. Investigating the potential roles of SINEs in the human genome. Annu Rev Genomics Hum Genet.

2021. 22:199-218.

4. Zhang P*, Zhang XO*, Jiang T, Cai L, Huang X, Liu Q, Li D, Lu A, Liu Y, Xue W, Zhang P†, Weng Z†. Comprehensive identification of alternative back-splicing in human tissue transcriptomes. Nucleic Acids Res. 2020, 48:1779-1789.

5. Zhang XO, Gingeras TR, Weng Z†. Genome-wide analysis of polymerase III–transcribed Alu elements suggests cell-type–specific enhancer function. Genome Res.2019, 29:1402-1414.

6. Zhang XO, Fu Y, Mou H, Xue W, Weng Z†. The temporal landscape of recursive splicing during Pol II transcription elongation in human cells. PLoS Genet. 2018, 14:e1007579.

7. Zhang XO*, Dong R*, Zhang Y*, Zhang JL, Luo Z, Zhang J, Chen LL†, Yang L†. Diverse alternative back-splicing and alternative splicing landscape of circular RNAs. Genome Res. 2016, 26:1277-1287. (ESI高引论文 top 1%)

8. Zhang XO*, Wang HB*, Zhang Y, Lu X, Chen LL†, Yang L†. Complementary sequence-mediated exon circularization. Cell. 2014, 159:134-147. (期刊亮点推荐ESI高引论文 top 1%)

        编辑专评Vicens Q and Westhof E. Cell. 2014, 159:13-14

        研究亮点推荐Burgess DJ. Nat Rev Genet. 2014, 15:707

        F1000 推荐

9. Zhang XO*, Yin QF*, Wang HB, Zhang Y, Chen T, Zheng P, Lu X, Chen LL†, Yang L†. Species-specific alternative splicing leads to unique expression of sno-lncRNAs. BMC Genomics. 2014, 15:287.

10. Zhang Y*, Zhang XO*, Chen T, Xiang JF, Yin QF, Xing YH, Zhu S, Yang L†, Chen LL†. Circular intronic long noncoding RNAs. Mol Cell. 2013, 51:792-806. (期刊亮点推荐ESI高引论文 top 1%)

        编辑专评Bolisetty MT and Graveley BR. Mol Cell. 2013, 51:705-706

        研究亮点推荐Nature. 2013, 501:464

        研究亮点推荐Reid T. Nature China. 2013, Epub. on October 2nd (doi:10.1038/nchina.2013.95) 

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