






1. 高等生物生理状态下的转录机器调控机制研究

2. 哺乳动物早期胚胎发育过程中的转录调控机制研究

3. 哺乳动物干细胞分化及多能性维持过程中转录调控机制研究



主要从事发育与疾病过程的转录机器调控机制研究。主要研究成果包括国际上首次发现并鉴定转录早期终止双酶活(核酸内切酶,磷酸酶)调控复合物INTAC复合物(Science, 2020)。揭示单链DNA结合复合物SOSS转录早期调控复合物INTAC稳定结合通过调控细胞内R-loop (DNA:RNA hybrid)的水平维持细胞内基因组稳定性(Nature, 2023)。揭示转录机器调控因子SPT5可以维持转录机器的蛋白稳定性,调控转录循环,维持增强子活性(Molecular Cell, 2021。受邀为science文章撰写研究评述(Science Bulletin2024)。研究成果获Nature Structure & Molecular BiologyNature Reviews Molecular Cell BiologyCancer Discovery, Molecular Cell, Science BulletinF1000评述,被BioArt, Fudan News报道。获得中国生物物理学会女科学论坛杰出奖。



1.Xu C#, Li C#, Chen J#, Xiong Y#, Qiao Z, Fan P, Li C, Ma S, Liu J, Song A, Tao B, Xu T, Xu W, Chi Y, Xue J, Wang P, Ye D, Gu H, Zhang P, Wang Q, Xiao R, Cheng J, Zheng H, Yu X, Zhang Z, Wu J, Liang K, Liu YJ, Lu H*, Chen FX*.R-loop-dependent promoter-proximal termination ensures genome stability. Nature. 2023 Aug 9. doi:10.1038/s41586-023-06515-5.

  • Spotlight: SOSS-INTAC: a new gatekeeper of genomic integrity at the interface of transcription and R-loops. Molecular Cell.DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2023.09.030.

  • Research Watch: SOSS–INTAC Regulates R-loop Accumulation and Genome Stability. Cancer Discovery. https://doi.org/10.1158/2159-8290.CD-RW2023-129.

  • Research Highlight: Integrator integrates transcription surveillance and genomic integrity. Science Bulletin.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2023.10.022.

2.Xu C#*, Zhou QX#, Zheng H#, Song A#, Zhao WY, Xiong Y, Huang Z, Xu Y*, Cheng J*, Chen FX*Stabilization of Integrator/INTAC by the small but versatile DSS1 proteinbioRxiv. 2024. (https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.02.25.581915)

3.Shang XY, Xu C*, Chen FX*From snapshots to a movie: Capturing eukaryotic transcription initiation at single-nucleotide resolutionScience Bulletin. 2024 Jan 23: S2095-9273(24)00057-4.

4.Fan P#, Shang XY#, Song A#, Chen S#, Mao RY, Chen J, Wang Z, Zheng H, Tao B, Xu W, Jiang W, Yang H, Xu C, Zhang P*, Jiang H*, Chen FX*Catalytic-independent functions of INTAC in conferring sensitivity to BET inhibitionbioRxiv. 2024.

5.Wang J, Xu C, Zhang Z*, Chen FX*Mechanisms of SOSS-Integrator-PP2A complex in attenuating R-loops and promoting genome stabilityClinical and Translational Medicine. 2024 Jan;14(1): e1519.

6.Hu S#, Peng L#, Xu C#, Wang Z, Song A, and Chen FX.SPT5 stabilizes RNA polymerase II, orchestrates transcription cycles, and maintains the enhancer landscape.  Molecular Cell. 2021 Nov 4;81(21):4425-4439.e6. 

 ·      News & Views: SPT5 roles in transcriptional elongation. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 28, page778 (2021).

7.Zheng H#, Qi Y#, Hu S#, Cao X#, Xu C#, Yin Z, Chen X, Li Y, Liu W, Li J, Wang J, Wei G, Liang K, Chen FX*, Xu Y*. Identification of Integrator-PP2A complex (INTAC), an RNA polymerase II phosphatase. Science. 2020 Nov 27;370(6520): eabb5872. 

  • Featured in Faculty Opinions, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, BioArt, Fudan News.

8.Xu C#, Wang X#, Zhou Y, et al. Synergy between arsenic trioxide and JQ1 on autophagy in pancreatic cancer. Oncogene.2019;38(47):7249-7265.

9.Li K#, Xu C#, Du Y#, Junaid M, Kaushik AC, Wei DQ*. Comprehensive epigenetic analyses reveal master regulators driving lung metastasis of breast cancer. J Cell Mol Med. 2019;23(8):54155431.

10.Wang X#, Fan H, Xu C, et al. KDM3B suppresses APL progression by restricting chromatin accessibility and facilitating the ATRA-mediated degradation of PML/RARα. Cancer Cell Int. 2019;19:256.

11.Jiang G#, Wang X#, Sheng D, Zhou L, Liu Y, Xu C, et al. Cooperativity of co-factor NR2F2 with Pioneer Factors GATA3, FOXA1 in promoting ERα function. Theranostics. 2019;9(22):6501-6516.

12.Li S#, Liu X#, Zhou Y, Acharya A, Savkovic V, Xu C, et al. Shared genetic and epigenetic mechanisms between chronic periodontitis and oral squamous cell carcinoma. Oral Oncol. 2018; 86:216-224.  

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